TXPS4 – Reiff XP high wattage, Small cyl, 4-cylinder system


TXPS4 – Reiff XP high wattage, Small cyl, 4-cylinder system

SKU: TXPS4 Categories: ,


100 watt band heaters clamp around the small cylinders (16 inch circumference) and a two 100 watt aluminum HotStrip element epoxies to the oil sump (epoxy included).

Heats your engine about 120°F above ambient overnight.


Additional information

Reiff Voltage

110 volt


5 year – Reiff part warranty*

Eligibility - FAA PMA

Continental: A-65, A-75, C75, C85, C90, C-125, O-200, IO-240, A-80
Lycoming: O-235,

Other engines

Additional non-certified engines that may be installed to: Jabiru 2200 except Gen 4, UL 260, 350




Additional info: Installation Instructions


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